PES Group European Committee of the Regions
PES Group European Committee of the Regions
  • Видео 290
  • Просмотров 27 679
PES Group extraordinary meeting in Portimão
We, progressive locally and regionally elected politicians, deplore the fact that the lack of affordable, adequate, social and sustainable housing is fuelling a housing crisis all over Europe, a crisis that is exacerbated by rising living costs and energy prices at a time when climate change is accelerating. This crisis impacts everyone, but in particular young and older people, single parents, racialised communities, the LGTBQI community, people with disabilities and other disadvantaged minorities. Women are hit even harder by the lack of affordable housing due to the gender pay and gender pension gap, often leading to dependencies in violent relationships.
Просмотров: 17


A Just Transition - Allison Gilliland on COP 28
Просмотров 814 месяца назад
A Just Transition - Allison Gilliland on COP 28
Towards a Fair Green Deal - Kata Tüttő on COP 28
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Towards a Fair Green Deal - Kata Tüttő on COP 28
Krefeld is the first German town to join the #SafePlace4Women campaign!
Просмотров 365 месяцев назад
At the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women celebrated on 25 November, we invite you to follow the example of Maxi Katharina Leuchters, City Councillor of Krefeld, Germany and adopt our resolution in your city or region!
A fair Green Deal for all: 15 proposals to energise cities and regions
Просмотров 577 месяцев назад
Today, Progressive local and regional leaders call for promptly implementing relevant EU legislation, such as on improving air quality, making food systems fairer and healthier, eradicating energy and mobility poverty, and boosting green investments.
Raphaëll Glucksmann: comment combattre l'ingérence étrangère?
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Le combat contre l'ingérence étrangère se passe sur les bancs de l'école. L'éducation aux médias et le décryptage doivent commencer dès le plus jeune âge et c'est le rôle des autorités locales et régionales de créer un programme éducatif adapté
Raphaël Glucksmann on the victory of Ukraine
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Vladimir Putin aims to destabilise our democracies at their very heart. The war did not start on February 24, 2022 but long before. The target is not but European Democracy.
Nouveau logo du Groupe socialiste du Comité européen des régions : nouveau look, même vision !
Просмотров 3511 месяцев назад
Aujourd'hui, Le Groupe du Parti socialiste européen au Comité européen des régions (Groupe PSE) dévoile son nouveau logo, qui reflète notre vision d’une Europe plus progressiste, durable, ancrée dans ses territoires et fière de sa diversité. Le président du Groupe PSE, Christophe Rouillon, déclare: « L'Europe fait face à de nombreux défis tels que les inégalités croissantes, l'urgence climatiqu...
No one is unemployable: Giving people the chance to regain their place in local communities
Просмотров 1311 месяцев назад
The role of cities, which have the most direct link with citizens, comes into play in the unfolding drama of long-term unemployment. By promoting innovative projects targeted to specific local contexts, local authorities can bring back to work the long-term unemployed. There are many inspiring initiatives already experimented in progressive cities that clearly prove their effectiveness in helpi...
PES Group: Progressive change starts locally
Просмотров 10811 месяцев назад
Today the Party of European Socialists Group (PES Group) in the European Committee of the Regions is launching its new logo, which reflects our vision of a more progressive, sustainable Europe, rooted in its territories and proud of its diversity.
Die SPE-Fraktion präsentiert ihr neues Logo als Ausdruck ihrer fortschrittlichen Vision Europas
Просмотров 2111 месяцев назад
Die Fraktion der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Europas (SPE-Fraktion) im Europäischen Ausschuss der Regionen stellt heute ihr neues Logo vor. Es spiegelt durch ein frisches Erscheinungsbild die Vision der Fraktion eines fortschrittlicheren und nachhaltigeren Europas wider, das in seinen Städten und Regionen verwurzelt ist und stolz auf seine Vielfalt ist.
Carbon farming: climate solution or greenwashing?
Просмотров 12Год назад
It's women's time! Ending gender inequality and violence in every place
Просмотров 89Год назад
Progressive locally and regionally elected politicians can and do make a difference when it comes to designing and implementing effective gender equality measures, thus contributing to a feminist vision of the European Union that safeguards achievements so far and pushes for faster progress in gender equality. They have also a key role to play in the fight against gender-based violence as many ...
Join our #SafePlace4Women campaign!
Просмотров 55Год назад
On today’s International Women's day, we call upon local and regional authorities to adopt an ambitious plan to combat violence against women with concrete measures. Join the campaign, adopt the resolution to make your city or region a safe place for women 👇
Alison Gilliland on COP27 and the role of cities and regions
Просмотров 13Год назад
Alison Gilliland on COP27 and the role of cities and regions
Youth for Europe, Europe for Youth: the way forward
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Youth for Europe, Europe for Youth: the way forward
Christine Jung on Youth participation
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Christine Jung on Youth participation
Pia Maria Wieninger on Youth participation in Vienna
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Pia Maria Wieninger on Youth participation in Vienna
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Просмотров 17Год назад
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Christophe Rouillon on the reconstruction of Ukrainian cities
Просмотров 31Год назад
Christophe Rouillon on the reconstruction of Ukrainian cities
Pride Month 2023: Declare your city or region an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone!
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Pride Month 2023: Declare your city or region an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone!
Christophe Clergeau on HERA
Просмотров 26Год назад
Christophe Clergeau on HERA
Conference on the future of Europe
Просмотров 292 года назад
Conference on the future of Europe
Michele Albiani on Waste management in Milan
Просмотров 452 года назад
Michele Albiani on Waste management in Milan
Arianna Censi on urban mobility and sustainable transport
Просмотров 172 года назад
Arianna Censi on urban mobility and sustainable transport
Kata Tutto on the Gender dimension of the EU Green Deal
Просмотров 552 года назад
Kata Tutto on the Gender dimension of the EU Green Deal
Céline Geissmann - Raising awareness on Digital footprint
Просмотров 442 года назад
Céline Geissmann - Raising awareness on Digital footprint
Cities and regions stand with Ukraine
Просмотров 122 года назад
Cities and regions stand with Ukraine
"It is not a question of opposing representative and participatory democracy" | Christophe Rouillon
Просмотров 602 года назад
"It is not a question of opposing representative and participatory democracy" | Christophe Rouillon
Andrés Villa on raising awareness on the effect of the climate crisis
Просмотров 72 года назад
Andrés Villa on raising awareness on the effect of the climate crisis


  • @user-ze9to1nf6r
    @user-ze9to1nf6r 2 месяца назад

    Mswati III aka Walmart stores 😊😅😮😢

  • @johannlosch6621
    @johannlosch6621 4 месяца назад

    Stehsätze ohne Substanz.

  • @georgesbinetter2416
    @georgesbinetter2416 9 месяцев назад

    Incroyable bonimenteur dont on se demande comment il n’est pas encore déboulonné.

  • @MyCold1
    @MyCold1 10 месяцев назад

    Another pointless corrupt politician talking gibberish.

  • @that90sguy77
    @that90sguy77 10 месяцев назад


  • @bigfreshdeal
    @bigfreshdeal 10 месяцев назад

    European wish to dismantle Yugoslavia worked well they will not succeed in saving Ukraine

  • @bigfreshdeal
    @bigfreshdeal 10 месяцев назад

    Ukraine is over just like Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia it’s just matter of time

  • @reneburger4317
    @reneburger4317 Год назад

    Nice PR for Vienna. BS of course, but nice PR

  • @miclodon906
    @miclodon906 Год назад

    #corruption This guy is sposored by social dumping specialist Uber...And he presents himself as a progresist... Liar !

  • @kash1454
    @kash1454 2 года назад

    𝐩яⓞ𝓂𝓞Ş𝐦 🙈

  • @JoseVazquez-jh3oi
    @JoseVazquez-jh3oi 2 года назад

    Que ascazo

  • @nxgrs74
    @nxgrs74 2 года назад

    The Earth is cooler with the atmos/GHGs/albedo not warmer. To perform as advertised the GHGs require “extra” energy upwelling from the surface radiating as a black body. The kinetic heat transfer processes of the contiguous atmos molecules render that scenario impossible. No greenhouse effect, no GHG warming, no man/CO2 driven climate change or Gorebal warming. Version 1.0 032622

  • @mattbrody1424
    @mattbrody1424 2 года назад

    Karate master class by Robert Biedron:видео.html

  • @luisarossini6485
    @luisarossini6485 3 года назад

    I perfectly agree with Leilani Farha on the fact that the housing issue is a National government to address. But how national states in Europe can address a big issue, in economic terms, as the increasing in affordable and decent housing, without being freed by the austerity and public spending tied to the control of the National Governments' debt increase?

  • @NomadaMayaCancun
    @NomadaMayaCancun 3 года назад

    Hello from México

  • @jameszhang8152
    @jameszhang8152 4 года назад

    He is so authentic, down-to-earth, progressive and confident!

  • @betelgezaa
    @betelgezaa 4 года назад

    I hope he will disappear from the scene of Polish politics for ever. Go to ue and never ever come back. You are an official liar. He has beaten his mother. He fired men in slupsk and replaced them with women. Why? Because of the sex. Is is equality to say to someone - I need to fire you because you are a male. You have the wrong sex. What a liar. Get rid of him for ever.

    • @betelgezaa
      @betelgezaa 4 года назад

      The Rune King of Asgard if you can’t figure out a contrary opinion you get to a personal attack. That galvanises my comment and says a lot about biedron’s supporters. Like biedron like supporters.

  • @jeanmarcrichet2824
    @jeanmarcrichet2824 8 лет назад

    Nous l'avons comme voisin en France..ou il a sa résidence secondaire à La Bastide d'Engras..près d'Uzès dans le Gard... C'est un être absolument incivique, malpoli, et irrespectueux... Sachez le!!! Il se permet de rouler avec son 4x4 sur les chemins à des vitesses incroyables, (à chaque passage il soulève tellement de poussière que nous sommes obligés de relaver notre linge qui séchait dehors!!!!) et lorsque l'on va lui demander de bien vouloir rouler plus doucement, la seule réponse est: cela ne m’intéresse pas!!!! C'est un élu qui ne vit que grâce aux impôts que payent ses il semble oublier que le minimum est de respecter ces derniers..mais il n'en n'a rien à faire... aucun respect non plus des obligations urbanistiques..piscine construite sans demander l’autorisation..Bravo Mr l'ex député!!! Il utilise des surfaces appartenant à la mairie à des fins privées.... pour garer ses voitures!! tiens tiens... Bref arrêtez de soutenir ce genre de personnage... à bon entendeur!!